Death Whistle- Afterlife Song
Death Whistle- Afterlife Song
- 0.3 lbs
- 2.8" H x 2" W x 3.9" D
- Ceramic
- For decorative use only, but can be used as a Death whistle
- Features a rustic, rugged finish
- Hand-crafted item -- color, size and/or motif may vary slightly
- Made in Mexico.
The extraordinary ‘death whistle’ was exclusively used in several zones of ancient Mexico and belongs to a very unusual family of Mexican resonators that are not well known and which can produce special sounds imitating animal calls and the noise of the wind or storms. It is not a common whistle or musical instrument. It has been associated with death rituals by its decorated face of a skull and with the wind because two examples were found in the hands of a sacrificed male skeleton in front of the Ehecatl (wind god) temple at Tlatelolco. Unfortunately, the exact original use and purpose of the death whistle and many other ancient resonators have been lost. There are some ancient death whistles made of clay in museums and collections, but very few of their studies and sounds have been published.